Word of the Week, September 12, 2018

This week’s word is Focus and what it has to do with Precision. In order to maintain the skills we have as martial artists, and be able to correctly apply the techniques we use, we have to be aware of the many minute details that go into them. Some of them, if not worked on, can cause the technique to be performed incorrectly or worse, bring undue pain to the martial artist. This of course, is not okay.

When working on a technique, maintaining your Focus on what you are doing, on each detail as it occurs, will help refine those skills. As we’ve learned, with time and practice, those details become ingrained in our training and when used, they happen automatically, but this only happens after a lot of repetition. During the practice, keep your attention on what you are doing so that when you make a mistake, you see what it is and can compensate for it. This way, you don’t end up practicing the technique without those important details and end up with a faulty skill.

Focus creates Precision.

Head Instructor Shawn Morris

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