Word of the Week, October 23rd, 2019

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill

Giving is something that everyone can do, but little actually do. What does it really mean to give? For most, the first thing that comes to mind is probably charity. When you give to charity, you give some of your money to help out those in need. This is great when you have the means, but not everyone does. What else can you give though? Your time, your knowledge, you ability to move and work, your skills, the list goes on. Everything that makes you who you are, you are capable of giving to others.

How does this affect us as martial artists? Most martial arts school systems, ours included, not only teach the physical aspects of combat, but also a sort of code of conduct to help us know right from wrong and when to use our skills and when not to. These codes or guidelines are meant to make us better people beyond what our bodies are learning. When we follow them, we give the people around us a sense of what is right and good and those who associate with you will learn that behavior themselves. They will see what kind of person you become when you train. You give that to others. You can teach it to others, especially children.

Be mindful of what you give to children and other adults as well. Always strive to bring out the best in others and that will bring out the best in you.

Train hard,

-Head Instructor Shawn Morris

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