Word of the Week, November 14, 2018

The word Form has many definitions, especially because of martial arts. Here we will not necessarily be talking about mastery of the various forms, katas, kuens or poomsae that permeate most martial art schools, though it is a valuable step towards mastery. Instead we will talk about what mastery of form means to the martial artist.

When it comes to mastering the form of a technique, what you are really mastering is how you move. What you’re attempting to do is teach your body the efficiency of motion in order to capitalize on strength and speed at the same time. We already know that constant repetition leads to mental memory, but it also leads to physical memory. Remember that you are what you constantly do. A master is constantly working on improving their form so that they can better perform the techniques with efficiency of energy and transference of power. The more they do this, the more the body remembers how to do it. It will show in all their actions and it will overflow into other techniques, as we know that in most martial arts, the basics are the building blocks of the advanced techniques and as the basics improve, the advanced improve by default.

When practicing, try to look towards how to make the movements work for you. While each one has specific details that must be followed, remember this is not only a science, but an art. You can work towards that speed and power by learning how to incorporate the science behind the technique into the art of your expression. Only you truly know your body and only you can master it.

Train hard,

Head Instructor Shawn Morris

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