Our word this week, regarding Balance, is Spirit. Most people immediately think of religion when that word is brought up and for many, that is true. They rely upon religion to guide them along the spiritual path. We are not talking about religion today, only balancing your connection to your own spirit while still living a “normal” life.
Your spirit is your connection to the unseen world around you. In martial arts it is often referenced as chi energy. While this is a part of it, it is only a piece of a larger puzzle. To balance the spirit with the mind and body, one must remember that even though we train our bodies to be in fighting condition and our minds to be sharp, we must not forget to take the time to meditate and look internally for things we might be missing.
What happens to many of us is that we focus on one aspect to the detriment of the others. Feeling like if we don’t give it all of our attention, we will fail. This is simply not true. A balanced person makes time to do what they can for all aspects of their lives. That is the bottom line, do what you can. Not what some book or overthinking guru or even an old martial arts instructor tells you. Do what you can.
That said, it is not an excuse for laziness either. What you can do and what you think you can do are often very different. That’s what we Instructors are for, to help you find your limits.
For this week, if you don’t already, take the time to meditate. No rules or restrictions, just sit quietly for a minute or two and allow your thoughts and breathing to do what they so best, flow. Pay attention to them, but try not to control them. Simply observe. This will be difficult at first, but as time goes on, as with all things, it will become easier.
Train hard,
Head Instructor Shawn Morris