Our word of the month for August is Consistency and our word for this week is Endurance. I am going to talk a little bit about how the two tie together. Consistency is essentially keeping things the same, no matter the circumstances. Staying the course as it were. This can have a detrimental affect on life, as we know, because life itself is change and growth, but the point of consistency from our standpoint is more about the individual person, what is called remaining true to yourself and to tie that to our training, doing what works. Martial arts training is hard. It gets more difficult as you get to the higher tiers of training, learning new abilities and weapons and forms and many other things. The key here is to remember how you got there in the first place. Endurance. You outlasted the basics. You got through the sore days after class. You made it past the days where you didn’t really feel up to class because life can be so distracting. You did it anyway. You endured. Now you are here and the next challenge awaits. Do you stay the course and work that much harder or do you give up, letting the fear of failure make your choices for you? Endure. Outlast. Survive. You will make it, just keep doing what you have always done: work out, train, practice, fail, do it again, succeed.
Head Instructor Shawn Morris