Mando’a Monday

Practice! One of the Resol’nare is Mando’a. Language. To be Mando’ade, one must speak the language and pass it on to others so that they may pass it on so that the Mando’ade continue to survive, vencuyan.

Try to incorporate words into your every day vocabulary. To get you started, I’ve added a few new phrases to try out.

Oya!- Cool, awesome, sweet, get some..

K’oyacyi!- Literally means stay alive, but also is used as cheers or good luck.

Vor’e!- Thanks. Shortened form of vor’entye.

Osik!- An expression of disgust.

Ki’parjai!- No worries, sometimes used as you’re welcome. Literally, small victory.

Su’cuy!- Hi. Shortened from Su cuy’gar.

That’s all for now, ner’ade.

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